Beeloved Art

Ievgen Vector
2 min readOct 14, 2020

Can Art safe the world? No. But we can help those who save it every day — the bees.

In collaboration with 3 talented artists HOP-HOP Illustrations created the Art Collection devoted to bee extinction and run the crowdfunding project. We gonna donate 10% to Fundacja Akademia Pszczelarstwa i Zrównoważonego Rozwoju.

As an Art Director of the project I’m really happy to be a part of such a nice initiative. When you work in advertising, it’s important at least sometimes do something important.

Illustrator: Mary Zaleska @maryzaleska
Illustrator: Joanna Wójtowicz @wojtowicz_illu
Illustrator: Marina Raietska @raie_art

Aslo, together with our partner — Pasieki Rodziny Sadowskich, we created Honey Art Collection. You can get these lovely jars and posters supporting our project. Each action metters.

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth,
man would only have four years left to live.”
Albert Einstein

